tells the story of Qin Hao, who encountered a career crisis, unexpectedly reunited with his younger brother Lu Shiming, who gave up his high salary and returned to his hometown to start a business, and finally healed each other, harvested true love, and jointly promoted rural development. It shows a deep thinking on promoting rural revitalization, intangible cultural heritage inheritance and the younger generation returning to their hometowns to start businesses.
Episode 07
My Mr. Sea Otter
My Mr. Sea Otter-Watch Online Download-Chinese mainland 2024 Domestic Film-Advanced On-Demand_Free Chasing Drama_Watch Online - Sigu Film and Television
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Brief introductionChen Li, the female advertising director who can sell her soul by any means for the sake of her career, and Wen Yu, a music student who has just entered the society and has nothing, met and fell in love. The two are not only different in age and class, but also in the misalignment of the relationship between the sexes. When the "gentle prince" fell into distress, the "heroic princess" killed to "save the beauty", which seemed to be the sympathy between the "female overlord" and "Jack Su", but it was the heart that had been frozen for a long time that was actually redeemed and melted.

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