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Red + Yellow = Orange, Orange + Red = Pink, that is, two parts red + one part yellow can make pink; Yellow + blue = green, the red-green-blue ratio is 5:2:3 and it is also pink when it comes out; Under normal circumstances, red, yellow and blue are the three primary colors, and it is difficult to adjust the standard other colors with gouache.Other auxiliary colors can be adjusted as needed. Pale pink: Vermilion (less) + titanium dioxide (more) The more titanium dioxide is added, the lighter the pink color will be. Dark pink: Vermilion (more) + Titanium white (less) The more vermilion you add, the darker the pink.

sky0Editor: Aviv-Studio
Detailed explanation of the operating rules of the Baijiahao platform Video download (Baijiahao operating rules and skills) (comments: 0 times)
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