Robot Empire Gary Smith (Domhnall Gleeson), a programmer who works for a well-known search engine company, is lucky enough to win the grand prize drawn by his boss Nathan (Oscar Isaac), and he will be invited to a villa in the mountains to spend a vacation with his boss. In a secluded villa, Nathan was lovingly received positive Gary Smith (Domhnall Gleeson), a programmer who works for a well-known search engine company, is lucky enough to win the grand prize drawn by his boss Nathan (Oscar Isaac), and he will be invited to a villa in the mountains to spend a vacation with his boss. In a secluded villa, Nathan was lovingly received 都市 The world of robots Robot Empire Three years ago, alien robots invaded the Earth, and after seven days of fighting, the Earth was completely occupied, and since then, the robots have kept a tight watch over humans, installing positioning systems on their heads and destroying them once they detect them leaving their homes. In addition to this, the aliens hire Robin (Ben Kingsley) and other human rebels Mecha Ji 青春偶像 An astronaut travels through the galaxy through a new device, this time his mission is to reconnoiter the orbit and the condition of the planet, and after many observations and studies, the researchers have simultaneously discovered a mysterious planet that is full of intelligent life. The astronauts are about to embark on their latest mission to explore this alien planet Gary Smith (Domhnall Gleeson), a programmer who works for a well-known search engine company, is lucky enough to win the grand prize drawn by his boss Nathan (Oscar Isaac), and he will be invited to a villa in the mountains to spend a vacation with his boss. In a secluded villa, Nathan was lovingly received An astronaut travels through the galaxy through a new device, this time his mission is to reconnoiter the orbit and the condition of the planet, and after many observations and studies, the researchers have simultaneously discovered a mysterious planet that is full of intelligent life. The astronauts are about to embark on their latest mission to explore this alien planet   In the near future, the earth has become desolate and dangerous. A mysterious creature has taken over the earth, and humanity has had to take refuge in the Sky Ark, a man-made city in the sky. As the population grows, there is less and less space. Only the rich and strong could stay in the Sky Ark, and the poor and orphans were banished to Earth. that 科幻 竞技 Robot Empire Three years ago, alien robots invaded the Earth, and after seven days of fighting, the Earth was completely occupied, and since then, the robots have kept a tight watch over humans, installing positioning systems on their heads and destroying them once they detect them leaving their homes. In addition to this, the aliens hire Robin (Ben Kingsley) and other human rebels Gary Smith (Domhnall Gleeson), a programmer who works for a well-known search engine company, is lucky enough to win the grand prize drawn by his boss Nathan (Oscar Isaac), and he will be invited to a villa in the mountains to spend a vacation with his boss. In a secluded villa, Nathan was lovingly received An astronaut travels through the galaxy through a new device, this time his mission is to reconnoiter the orbit and the condition of the planet, and after many observations and studies, the researchers have simultaneously discovered a mysterious planet that is full of intelligent life. The astronauts are about to embark on their latest mission to explore this alien planet 经典 HD Chinese characters positive HD Chinese characters 网剧 The world of robots
Mecha Ji
An astronaut travels through the galaxy through a new device, this time his mission is to reconnoiter the orbit and the condition of the planet, and after many observations and studies, the researchers have simultaneously discovered a mysterious planet that is full of intelligent life. The astronauts are about to embark on their latest mission to explore this alien planet
Robot Empire
Mecha Ji


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