The film's timeline is set between the first "Alien" in 1979 and the 1986 sequel "Alien 2", and revolves around a group of young and brave space colonists. It tells the story of their dreary life in an alien mining colony, and when they venture to explore an abandoned space station, they accidentally encounter the most difficult in the universe
Carmen (Maruschka Detmers) finds his uncle Godard (Jean-Luc Godard), who is hospitalized, and asks him to live in a villa by the sea under the pretext of making a movie with a friend. Godard was in a grotesque state, staying in the hospital expecting to be sick while writing, and at the same time longing for a chance to make a film, and agreed to Carmen's request. Carmen met police officer Joseph during a bank robbery, and the two fell in love with each other after a fight. Carmen took Joseph to the villa by the sea. Soon Carmen becomes cold to Joseph, but Joseph becomes more and more inseparable from Carmen, and after several unsuccessful entanglements, he kills Carmen during one of Carmen's robberies. And his uncle Godard was inexplicably involved in this case. In another section of the parallel world, violinist Claire is quietly playing a string quartet......
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The big-headed son and the small-headed father were accidentally popped up when they experienced the new product "Mini Paradise" invented by the "ancestral villain" Dr. Wang, and returned to the real world in a mini state! The father and son "encountered" a group of magical "companions" in the wild, thrilling, hiding, chasing, and rescuing...... Good partners don't know each other, and the Blitzkrieg Command assembles to start a thrilling adventure against a common enemy! What kind of crisis will they encounter? What kind of conspiracy is hidden behind this? Will they succeed in defeating evil? Will this fantasy adventure change the relationship between the big-headed son and the small-headed father?