All videos and pictures of Sigu Film and Television are collected from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original author, this website only provides web page services, does not provide resource storage, and does not participate in the recording and uploading If the programs included in this site do not inadvertently infringe on your company's copyright, please send an email to换成@)
Starring: Shin Min Ah, Kim Seon-ho, Lee Sang-ji, Kong Min-jing, Kim Young-ok, Cho Han-chul, Eun Joo-jin, Lee Bong-yeon, Lee Se-hyung, Cha Qinghua, Lee Yong-yi, Shin Seon-ae
36 episodes
Episode 4
Rose Storm
Episode 3
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Episode 8

All 24 episodesBecause of a competition in childhood, the girl Ringer was introduced to the sports school by the teenager Nie Chi and started a short track speed skating career. Ringer is optimistic and bold, thick and fine, Nie Chi is calm and sharp and full of ideals, the two grew up under the love of the old fatherly sports school coach Fang Shizhong, and entered the provincial team with Coach Fang's son Fang Chao. Ringer

assemble0Rainforest love happens
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