Short videos of travel materials (selected short travel videos)
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Little Red Book
2. It will be the color of the gray non-pulling, depending on the proportion, the proportion is more green, then it is gray-green, and the proportion is more pink, then it is dirty pink. It also depends on the contrast between the intensity of green and pink, because pink means light red, and if green is not light green, but dark green, then the tone must be inclined to green.
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Default font3. Garcinia yellow = lemon yellow + rose red orange yellow = lemon yellow + rose red earth yellow = lemon yellow + pure black + rose red Question 6: What color is the result of pink and green The color is not something that can be said clearly by words such as red, yellow, blue, and green. Preferably cmyk individual values.

sky02. Add red and blue first to make rose red (order: red, blue, red), and then add green, slowly, don't add too much, otherwise it will become white (it is best to tone it to dark blue when putting blue). Pink is usually a mixture of red and white and is also described as a pale red.
Basic knowledge of hair salon operation (Basic knowledge of hair salon operation video)
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