Synopsis: Ashley and her young daughter Sarah are threatened with the lives of a crime syndicate, and Ashley turns to the only person who can help her - her estranged father, Matt. Matt lives a retired beach homeless life in the Cayman Islands. Their reunion is fleeting, as they are soon overtaken by crime boss Donnie
Others are Hell 2024
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Starring: Kurt Russell,Katherine Quinan,J. T. Walsh, M. C. Kinne, Rex Lin
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Jeff and Amy are a husband and wife who, on a long trip, are driving a vehicle that breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Just as the two of them were in a hurry, a strange man named Red appeared in front of them. Red kindly tells Jeff and Amy that there is a tow truck available not far away, and Jeff asks Amy to follow Rhett, and soon, this wrong decision costs Jeff. While waiting for the trailer, Jeff fixes the car himself, so he decides to drive to the place Red said to find Red and Amy. Unexpectedly, when Jeff arrived, no one in the local area claimed to have seen Amy. Jeff finds Red and confronts him, and Red says he doesn't know Jeff, let alone Amy. The sensitive Jeff sensed that something was wrong, and he wanted to ask the police for help, but there was no evidence in his hand, and for a while, Jeff fell into a desperate situation.

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